Add Attachments

For detailed information on what you must attach to your Proposal, refer to Section 3 of the RFP.

Your attachments must be attached files, preferably PDF and excel spreadsheets. Please note:

  • We cannot accept support material that are stored or accessed via the cloud, such as drop box or google docs (this includes any embedded filepaths).
  • There is a file size limit of 10MB per attachment, so we recommend that you compress any large PDF files.
  • These are the file types that can be attached - .pdf / .doc or .docx (Word) / .xls or .xlsx (Excel) / .png, .jpg, .jpeg (images) / .txt.
  • File names cannot include any special characters (e.g. #, & or *).

Just as we cannot accept late Proposals beyond 1pm on Friday 27 May, late attachments will not be accepted unless under the discretion of Creative New Zealand as per our additional rights outlined in Section 8 of the RFP.