Submit your programme & budget

How to submit your Programme & Budget by 20 November.


Read before you start
This article provides instructions on how to submit your  Programme  & Budget (due 20 November 2022). Tōtara organisations:  Enter and submit your programme and budget information for 2023 in the Portal as usual (see table below).   ...
View/update your programme & budget
You view, update and submit your Programme and Budget using the Creative New Zealand Portal .  Steps: Log in to the Portal to view your 'Application Dashboard'. Scroll down to 'My Processed Applications'. ...
Add/update an activity
Complete an activity form for each known activity to show the details of your annual programme.  If this is your first time inputting activities to the CNZ Portal, please refer to what activity data do I complete for further guidance. ...
What activity data do I complete?
When you add or report on activities you don't need to fill in all the fields.  Read the guidelines below to reduce your workload. Examples of arts activities CNZ Activity type & definition ...
Add/update financial statements
Important: If your organisation is a TEO subsidiary, a council-controlled organisation, a regional gallery or museum, funded less than $75,000 per annum by CNZ, or a  multi-natio nal   subsidiary,  you are not required to complete financial...
Variations to approved programme & budget
We understand that plans change, and our  Funding Agreement  provides some scope to do this. There are two types of variation, major and minor. A major variation will have one or more of the following impacts on the agreed programme...
Activities that are unknown at 20 November
Complete an activity form for each known activity to show the details of your programme for the year. These are activities for which you have a good idea of the details and the nature of the work. We expect that all or most of your activity will fal...