Submit your proposal

Request for Proposals for Toi Uru Kahikatea programme for 2023-2025 closed on 27 May 2022.


Read before you start
Before you start, make sure you have read the Request for Proposals (RFP) . To submit your Proposal for Toi Uru Kahikatea 2023-2025 funding, you need to: Create an application Provide all required information (refer to S...
Request for Proposals Briefing Presentation 2022
Watch this video for an introduction to the Request for Proposals for funding through Toi Uru Kahikatea investment programme 2023-2025. The opening karakia, welcome, Q&A session and closing karakia have been edited out for attendees' priva...
Add an activity
Complete activity records for each activity proposed for 2023. If your activity is biennial and 2023 is an 'off year' you should enter the details of your first two years of activity and make a note of this in your programme commentary.  If ...
Tips for entering activity information
Please refer to the What activity data do I complete section of the Portal User Guide for general information on entering activities in the Portal. What activities do I not need to enter? There are some activities that we do not need e...
Add financial projections
Important: If your organisation is a Tertiary education (TEO) organisation, a council-controlled (CCO) organisation  or a  multi-natio nal   subsidiary  you are  not required  to enter financial projections. If you are requesting l...
Activity Budget Template
Complete the Activity Budget Template and attach it on the 'Attachments' tab. There are three sections to the template: Activity and Budget Summary, Operating Budget, Activity Budget/s. The template includes instructions on...
Publishing Block Grants
Publishers within the Toi Uru Kahikatea investment programme can apply for funding for up to ten (10) publications a year. This is sometimes referred to as a Publishing Block Grant. Make sure you refer to the Requirements and Guidelines for sp...
Add Attachments
For detailed information on what you must attach to your Proposal, refer to Section 3 of the RFP . Your attachments must be attached files, preferably PDF and excel spreadsheets. Please note: We cannot accept support material that...
RFP Questions & Answers
The RFP Questions & Answers process has now closed. When we received a question through the  Request for Proposals (RFP) process, sent  to ,   we published that question, and its answer, on this page. ...