Submit your reports

How to submit 6-Month Reports, Goals & Financial Year End Reports


Submit a 6 Month Report
6 Month Reports are required for all Tōtara and Kahikatea funded organisations. 6 Month Reports are completed and submitted twice a year, due 31 July and 31 January. Steps Log in to the Portal . Click your name in th...
Prompts to help with 6-month reporting
We’ve created the below prompts to help you structure your 6-month reports. You will not be assessed on these questions specifically and you are not required to respond to every question. But the information you provide will help us as...
Submit a Goal
If your organisation has Development Goals, these will be listed on your 'Goal Dashboard' along with their due dates. You must submit your goals by the due date, and you should include progress updates in the commentary of your 6-month reports due...
Submit a Financial Year End Report
A Financial Year End Report is a yearly record of an organisation’s  financial performance and condition. It typically includes a description of the organisation’s operations, as well as balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow state...
Activity reporting guidelines
As part of each 6 Month Report you provide the actual dates and activity statistics for each funded activity that took place during the 6-month period.  Refer to the following guidelines when completing your report and contact your adviser if you ...
Budget reporting guidelines
As part of each 6 Month Report you must * complete the actual figures as at 30 June or 31 December for your organisation’s Statement of Financial Performance and Statement of Financial Position. * If you are a Tertiary Education Organisation ...